Friday, May 28, 2010

Days 145-148

Sasha really likes her dolls. She walks them in her doll stroller. She reads to them. The hugs them. She gives them kisses before putting them "to bed" at night. She also feeds them. And then throws them off her highchair. Apparently.

Sasha likes to read. While wearing underwear and one shoe. Which she put on all by herself, might I add.

This is what we've been doing for the last few weeks: reading, reading, reading about London and Paris. This isn't even the half of all our books, pamphlets, and brochures. And there are two books on Paris. Because, you know, I'm pretending that since I spent a semester in Paris back in college, I know it oh-so-well.

And today, our little (little?) girl figured out how to blow out dandelions. All on her own, without any prompts from me whatsoever. It was amazing handing it to her, her eyes glowing with excitement of something new. And then she just blew on it. And giggled the liveliest loudest and most genuine giggle I've ever heard!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Days 142 - 144: my loves

The other day, looking through my folder for this blog, I suddenly realized there are no pictures of my husband, but there is a good reason for that, I promise. I admittedly take too many pictures. He admittedly gets tired of me snapping away constantly. And I mean all.the.time. And I am not phenomenal (to say the least) with photographing people - never was, ask any of my "guinea pigs" for my photography classes - so it takes me a while to get a good shot. And I finally did - this one captures my sweet silly husband perfectly:
 This one is from Sunday - we had a get-together at one of Y's coworkers' house in NJ - Sasha was being very quiet and serious, up until she spotted some other kids' ball and ran off to play with them
And this may just be my new favorite picture of my baby and her loving papa

Friday, May 21, 2010

Days 138-141: week days

While my parents are in Russia, I'm plant-sitting their future cucumber plants, we picked them up on Monday... on Tuesday, I realized they weren't in out house, so where else would they be? That's right, on top of the car - it's a good thing it was raining on Monday!
Sasha knows how to drink out of a cup. She really does. She also knows how to spill it on herself. And she does it much better than the actual drinking!
She also likes dumping her megablocks out of the bag. ALL of them. Good thing she helped me clean up!

We spent some time on the playground this morning - it was a little too hot for my taste, but oh my gosh, my little girl had such a fantastic time!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Days 135-137: weekend edition

On Saturday, we spent some time at my in-laws' to hang out with some of their friends who had come to visit (from Boston, Buffalo and Israel!) We had a wonderful time and Sasha got to hang out with her second cousins - it was so much fun to watch them play! Sasha and Jonathan hugging
And this is what happens when you try to photograph four children at once
On Sunday, we finally got Sasha a tricycle that we've been planning to get her for her second half-birthday. We're a couple of months late, but she won't really know the difference! She loves her new toy!!

And today, we went over to my parents' house while they're out of the country to water their plants and ended up picking the first strawberries of the year - they were delicious!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 134: slide

Sasha loves the slides on the playground. She now wants to get out of the swings which she loved oh so much mere months ago! We spent close to two hours on the slide today, fun times!
I may or may not have been in a way of a little boy who wanted to go on the slide next, but he was super polite and repeated after his mom a shy "excuse me" to get me to move.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Days 132 and 133

While helping me go through the old magazines, she thought it'd be a good idea to see what she could find in her nose. Gross, kid, gross!

Whenever Sasha sees the camera now, she creams "Sasha" and grabs for it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 129: happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

P.S. I'm absolutely in love with my new camera... and with that precious face!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 128: my early Mother's Day present

My wonderful husband got me a brand-spanking new Nikon D3000 camera! I am in love, I'm playing with it and trying to figure out all the options and modes. I don't like reading manuals, but I find that they do help. So I'm reading.
And I did actually take pictures throughout the day (we went out to dinner with our parents and grandmothers to celebrate Mother's Day), but the memory card just freaked out and we had to format it losing all the pictures. This was taken with my new beast (as my dearest husband referred to my old film SLR).

Day 127: on our kitchen table

I have a beautiful rose bush out on my balcony and I just cut my first rose of the year. I just love having this little happy flower on my kitchen table. It is unbelievably fragrant, I love it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 126: pretty eyes

I think I might want to change the title of this blog to 365 moments of Sasha, since I pretty much just stalk her with the camera (and in all honesty, she's the only one who lets me!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 125: upside down glasses

Sasha keeps putting her sunglasses on upside down. And she totally knows the word for sunglasses... granted if you just heard her say it, you would never guess what she wanted!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 124: playing with colors

Another rainy day here, so we played with some colored water and "worked" on our colors. Sasha had a great time splashing, but wasn't so excited about learning colors.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Days 121 and 122: weekend edition

We saw this sign that said "Open today garden & pier" and there was a lock on the gate and absolutely no way to get in. Huh?Sasha at grandma and grandpa's this morning smelling daffodils