Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 242

Today we watched Mama Mia! Sasha loved all the songs and danced around (granted she spend more than half of the movie with her back turned to the tv, but that's not the point anyway) When she realized I was taking pictures of her, she started chasing after me and my camera, crawling across our living room floor!
My little monkey!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Days 236-241

Fun times were had by all!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Days 232-235

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We finger painted (and by "we", I mean Sasha and by "finger painted", I mean "got paint all over her hands, legs, and face)
New BFFs for Sasha in upstate
Trying to ride a scooter - she was not going nearly as fast as you'd think looking at this picture though
Jonathan on his awesome car!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Days 228-231

Sasha loves loves loves watching videos of herself
Here she was actually singing a lullaby to the megabloks - go figure!
Baby in a laundry basket
Baby and great-grandma reading one of Sasha's favorite books

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Days 224-227

Wearing fabulously warm (albeit huge and fabulously ugly) crocs her cousin Jonathan has grown out of
The Statue of Liberty
Hanging out on the playground
And a very, umm, odd and certainly mismatched headband, which (despite her sour face), Sasha did not attempt to take off the entire morning!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Days 220-223

AKA this is what happens when we're stuck inside of the house and go out for little 30-minute-stretches at a time due to potty training: photos only of our girl. It's a good thing she's cute, huh?
Hanging out on the balcony waiting for papa to come home with dinner
Completely exhausted by all this potty training insanity
Pretty headband stayed on until she saw herself wearing it in the mirror
Pretty skies, as seen from our balcony
Playing peek-a-boo

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Days 217-219

We had a playdate on Thursday with the most adorable one-year-old and her mama. She's such a precious doll!
Yesterday, I prepared for the super busy weekend (or maybe a whole week? or even two, who knows?) of potty training by making Sasha a fabulous potty chart and going out to buy a bunch of "prizes"
And today, in between all those exciting moments of rushing her to the bathroom, we enjoyed a lot of "normal" kid stuff, like reading, running around and coloring (outside of lines, of course)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 216 was...

...all about stickers! Sasha has this hilarious habit of getting into the fridge, opening the bottom drawer where we keep the fruit, peeling off the stickers and handing me the (now useless to her) fruit. Then she sticks them everywhere. I think I see one on the side of the couch from this afternoon.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Behind in posting? Me? No, never!

Days 209-215 (yes, a whole week's worth of pictures)

Eating a yummy lamb chop and giving a thumbs up (apparently)

What do four grown people do on a Sunday afternoon after a yummy bbq, while the kiddo is at the grandparents' house? Why, try to play a real treasure hunt and decipher the code, of course.
Oh, and today was a dress-yourself-and-give-mama-funny-looks day as evidenced in this picture. You don't want to know what pants she thought matched this clearly oversized sweatshirt!