Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 120: tulips

We saw these beauties on our walk today. And I practically stuck my hand through the fence into the neighbors' front yard to photograph them. I adore tulips, they are such spring flowers!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Days 118 and 119

Sasha's view of the world from her crib
My little beauty in the bathtub

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 116: the newest fashion

Today, after fighting her on putting on shoes, I finally let Sasha do whatever she wanted with them. And what she wanted to do was put on one of the shoes on, on the wrong foot and chew on the other one. So this is what she looked like for the remainder of the afternoon.
Complete with cuffed pants (they are a tad too long) and untrimmed toenails (she does not let me anywhere near them lately).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 115: what's up?

Day 114: locked out

Yesterday, Y went to get something on the balcony (we use it as an office/storage room) and our little itty bitty baby managed to lock him in there! I don't know how she figured it out, but my guess is that she did it accidentally. When my husband called for me, I ran in, saw him locked in, laughing hysterically, and ran back to get the camera (I figured if he was laughing, he was ok in there for a couple of extra minutes). We should probably keep the keys to the balcony door there, just in case Sasha locks me or her papa in there again, and the other parent isn't home!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Days 112 and 113

This is how I spent Thursday - unpacking and doing laundry. This is after three loads of laundry, with one more in the washer.

Sasha finally let me put a bow in her hair and did not even rip it out almost the entire afternoon!

Out trip in eight pictures

Clearly, not enough to truly showcase the fun we had, but here ya go anyway:
This was what we saw out our window for the first few days
One stormy night, view from our balcony
We went to the zoo, which was great, colorful, but a bit on the hot side
Our last sunrise in Mexico

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 103: the many (tomato sauce covered) faces of Sasha

We are leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning (a bit earlier than I would've preferred, but the tickets are already booked, so what are you going to do?!) So I leave you with some tomato sauce
 covered face of my beautiful (and very very expressive) daughter.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 100: new toy!

I'm in the triple digits, and I've stuck to it! Ha, told ya (you know who you are!)
Sasha's grandparents got her a fabulous new toy, it's a sort of a blast toy, where you put this disc on a handle, pull the cord, and the disc flies off. Have no clue what it's actually called, or if I'm even describing it correctly. But we had a blast. It was awesome. Sasha kept running after the disc and bringing it back to papa to do it again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Days 98 and 99

I decided (for my own sake and for the sake of others) that I will not call a post a "catch-up post" after just 2 or 3 days. Mostly likely, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth or stopped taking pictures, I'm just either busy or, gasp, forgot to post a picture for the day. That being said, we're leaving for a vacation next Wednesday, so I'll be gone for a week, but promise I will update as soon as I have sorted through (admittedly too many) pictures.
Sasha on a swing at the playground yesterday
Today, we did a bunch of "crafts" since it was fairly cold outside. We made an alphabet poster, Sasha did most of the gluing, so some letters are a little crooked, but she had so much fun, so who cares!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 97: onion painting

We painted using an old onion today (we were mostly hiding from the heat we experienced in NY today). Head on over to my baby blog for some more pictures.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 96: sunny day

It was sunny but cloudy today. And I really like silhouettes. That about sums up this picture.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Days 93, 94, and 95: playing catch-up, again

I saw a guy on a motorcycle next to our car on our way home Saturday night. It was so foggy, you could barely see past where the car ended, this guy was fearless!
This is from Saturday when we went to visit auntie Anna in Jersey - beautiful blue skies, sun shining, kids running around - wonderful day! Oh, and we had crepes there - that only helps!
This is from our walk tonight - this picture captures Sasha perfectly: she's a blur! Although I wish I hadn't accidentally cut her hand off.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Days 90 and 91

Playing catch up here again...
Yes, we do that to Sasha's hair during her baths regularly. And yes, we take pictures. And then post them online for all to see.
And look who we found on our walk today: this parrot was sitting outside a house, just hanging out. We talked to him a little (well, Sasha talked to him, while I snapped some pictures).