Saturday, I finally got enough courage to join my sister, the ever-so-bendy Anya, at her anti-gravity yoga class. It was fantastic. And yes, it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. And you hurt like never before for a few days afterward. But it was so ridiculously worth it. Grabbed my p&s for this one, so the pictures aren't fantastic. And I clearly did not take the first one, but I just wanted to show off (although I may have a chat with my sister about cutting people feet off in pictures)
Sunday, we grilled on our (or should I say "my husband's" since it was his birthday present) new fabulous grill. Twice. I'm not allowed near the grill, except to cover it up in the event of rain or hand him the prepared meat/veggies. Oh well, I'm not going to complain - I get a meal and have to barely lift a finger!
On Monday, we played "beek-a-boo" while eating, of course.
This was yesterday on our balcony where we hang out when it's entirely too hot to actually *go* out. Husband says, my shorts look funny. I don't know, they're comfy, so what does it matter.
And today, after Gymboree, Sasha was so tired, she fell asleep on the subway.