Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Days 207 and 208

Having fun at the library on Monday morning.
Sasha was really upset when the ice cream truck from which was cruising the next street over was gone. And then she was really amused when she knocked down the beach umbrella we had been using to hide from the sun on our balcony.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Days 203-206

I seem to be posting these picture less and less frequently. But I am taking pictures, I promise.
Fun with her doll and the mirror
Falling asleep in mama's arms and being transferred onto pillows by her crib - it's been a rough couple of weeks!
Silly Anya and Andrey at Z's birthday party
And always going somewhere Anya at my mama's birthday party on Sunday

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Days 198-202

Saturday, I finally got enough courage to join my sister, the ever-so-bendy Anya, at her anti-gravity yoga class. It was fantastic. And yes, it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. And you hurt like never before for a few days afterward. But it was so ridiculously worth it. Grabbed my p&s for this one, so the pictures aren't fantastic. And I clearly did not take the first one, but I just wanted to show off (although I may have a chat with my sister about cutting people feet off in pictures)
Sunday, we grilled on our (or should I say "my husband's" since it was his birthday present) new fabulous grill. Twice. I'm not allowed near the grill, except to cover it up in the event of rain or hand him the prepared meat/veggies. Oh well, I'm not going to complain - I get a meal and have to barely lift a finger!
On Monday, we played "beek-a-boo" while eating, of course.
This was yesterday on our balcony where we hang out when it's entirely too hot to actually *go* out. Husband says, my shorts look funny. I don't know, they're comfy, so what does it matter.
And today, after Gymboree, Sasha was so tired, she fell asleep on the subway.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 196 and 197

Yesterday, I did laundry (I don't even know how many loads really for reasons I will not disclose but that have to do with a certain little monkey taking her poopy diaper off, twice). Ms. Penguin helped me. Or so Sasha thought.
Today, Y had jury duty and since he got out early, we went to the beach! Fun fun fun!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 195: celebrating Bastille day!

I am slightly (ok, who am I kidding, majorly) obsessed with anything having to do with France. Today just happens to be Bastille day over there, so I thought, why not celebrate with a French (ish?) dinner? So we had crepes and creme brulee. Can you say "délicieux"?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Days 191-194

We had a fantastic time at the playground Saturday morning (later my in-laws came over and we went out to dinner with them, but guess who forgot the camera!)
Sunday, we headed to Hoboken to celebrate my sister's boyfriend's birthday. He is known as Adya. He is also my daughter's very best friend.
Monday, Sasha found my pink umbrella and ran around with it for hours.
And today, well, today we had a cranky kiddo and a cranky mama, neither of whom napped. At all.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 190: new hat

I got a fedora hat for little Miss today (she grabbed for it at the store, it was $3 and super cute) and we had a mini photo-shoot with it. Note that this was all about the hat, the kid was just an accessory in this case (for those of you that claim that this little blog of mine is all about my daughter, hehe). And her attitude... well, that comes with the package.

Days 188 and 189

This is what my kitchen generally looks like on night that I make dinner (because let's be honest, I'm not a saint and do not make dinner every.single.evening - leftovers are food too!)
And this is our little lady running around in the sprinklers at the playground. Gosh, just look how happy she is. Looking at her, I just wanted to forget that I was an adult, run in there with her and squeal with delight (except that my dearest husband would probably have killed me for ruining my nice camera)

Oh, and p.s., I am more than half way through this year with pictures, go me! That said, I doubt that I'll be doing this sort of thing come 2011, I'm already getting yelled at for taking too many pictures and annoying people!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Days 186 and 187

 Yesterday, Sasha tried mango. Papa helped her eat some. After it was all gone, she looked at papa and asked for more. So naturally, he handed her what was still left on the skin. She had a blast chomping on it!
And today, we watched the Uruguay-Netherlands game. Sasha ate lunch and yelled "gaaaau" at the tv. Fun!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Days 184 and 185

Saturday was all about family. We celebrated my husband's aunt's birthday. It was a completely wonderful chaos. There were easily 10 children, 25 adults, and two dogs running around. Good thing they have a large house with plenty of space outside. This puppy here (with whom Sasha is completely obsessed by the way) never ever sits down. Not for a moment. He's the most hyper little dog I've ever seen. I guess he got tired of everybody chasing after him and wanting to play and just wanted a moment to relax.

And Sunday was, of course, the 4th of July and even though we were (mostly) tucked in and very sleepy by the time the fireworks started, I escaped up the roof of our building for a little bit to celebrate and indulge in the beauty and brightness of it all.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183: like father, like daughter

We had a picnic at the beach today again! I don't know why we haven't gone before, we had such a good time. Good some fresh air, and who knows, maybe the kiddo will sleep longer tomorrow morning (I may very well have just jinxed myself right there, but oh well)

Days 181 and 182: summertime

Just some snapshots of our summer. Sasha playing on the playground by our house and spending time at the beach with mama and papa.