Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 89: mixing paints

Sasha and I painted with q-tips today, I saw that on a craftsy blog I visit and thought it'd be really fun to try. The kiddo mixed the paints in a little yellow plastic cup and this is what the result looked like.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 88: Sasha's eyes

Sasha hung out with me (or rather on me) after her nap this afternoon. She doesn't do this often, but she slept terribly, so she needed some cuddle time; and this mama was more than happy to oblige!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 87: nap in the car

Sasha refused to nap today. We're talking creaming bloody murder and throwing tantrums. But as soon as we got on the highway, she fell asleep. Cuddled up with a blanket.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 86: dressing herself

Sasha attempted to put her pants on today. All by herself. She put both legs in one leg pant and was fairly upset at the fact. The funny thing is, she kept trying to put them on anyway. Failing every time. She was so determined though!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 85: tomato on a fork

This is how Sasha decided to eat a tomato today at lunch. And by the way, this kid could survive on tomatoes alone if we let her.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Days 83 and 84: springtime

Sasha loves her new sunglasses so much, she pretty much refuses to take them off. Well, she does take them off sometimes, usually to try to give them to a random person we're walking by. If refused, she promptly puts them back on. Usually upside down.
Today, I gave Sasha a dandelion, she smelled it, smiled, and then wouldn't give it back. She carried it around on the playground the whole time, even attempting to climb stairs while holding on with the hand holding the flower.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 82: my little Picasso

Sasha drew this the other day. This is the door to a cupboard. The inside of the door. No idea how she got there. None.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Days 79 and 80: weekend recap

We went to Outback on Saturday and the kiddo behaved beautifully and kept waving and smiling at everybody the entire time!
Today, we played at a playground with grandpa. Actually, my husband took this picture, so I can't take any credit, but I absolutely love it. Sasha's been scared of these tunnels for a while, but she went in one today (towards mama of course, but still checking that grandpa was right behind her).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 78: Coney Island

With all the nice weather we've been having lately, we decided to meet up with some friends and have a hotdog on Coney Island.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 77: spring is here!

My absolute favorite thing about this time of year...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Days 74, 75, and 76

I've been informed by a dear friend of mine today that I've been "slacking off" on my picture blog... Nice to know what you think of me, hon. Just kidding! Nice to know people are reading my blog! So without further ado, photos from the last three days:
Sasha mid-tantrum. We've been seeing a lot of these especially in the last couple of weeks. She literally throws herself on the floor and pretends to cry. It is so not a cute stage!
Remember a photo of a swan from last week? All graceful and beautiful? This photo was taken in the same place a week later: a few boats have sunk after a horrible rainy/windy weather we had last weekend. Neither graceful nor beautiful.
The last few days have been beautiful and we've pretty much been hanging out on the playgrounds and in the park. And Sasha won't take her sunglasses off. Love the spring!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Days 72 and 73: weekend recap

Sasha helped me give her new "baby" a bath last night before bed and then snuggled with it. This is exactly what she and I look like after Sasha's bath, snuggling in her big oversized towel.
Today, we had my parents and grandma come for dinner. And there was lots of cooking. And there were lots of spices. And that's the way we like it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 71: leave. me. alone

This is the face I get most days now from my beloved daughter. You think I maybe have been taking too many pictures of her?

Day 70: upside down squirrel

We met a squirrel on our walk yesterday. Sasha waved hi to him (her?) over and over and over again. The squirrel just literally hung upside down the whole time we were there and didn't seem to mind us.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 69: drawing

Sasha likes to draw. I like it because that gives me some time to do things that I may not be able to do if she weren't confined to her high chair. Like wash dishes. Or clean up. Or workout. Or cook dinner.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 67: orchid

My husband got me this beautiful orchid. I love how the flower is framing a picture of our family from when Sasha was a tiny teeny 3-month-old baby in the background.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Days 65 and 66: another fun weekend!

On Saturday, we met a little kitty named Zed when we visited our friends Jon and Grace. Sasha and Zed really liked each other and spent pretty much the entire evening meowing at each other. True story.
Today, we visited my sister and her boyfriend in Hoboken and went to a playground. I am now officially jealous of Hoboken, it was such a new nice bright fun playground. So not the same as we have here.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 64: happy after-nap baby

Sasha is 18 months old today. And we celebrated by jumping in her crib - well, she was jumping in her crib, it couldn't hold both of us - and making brownies. This is now one of my most favorite pictures of the kiddo - it perfectly sums up her personality - she's goofy and funny and very very silly.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63: green is the new black

Yes, Sasha and I play her Mega Bloks a lot. But it is such fun, she really enjoys building things, and I get a chance to teach her colors and numbers a little bit. 
I love her shirt, it says "green is the new black"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62: arts and crafts

Sasha and I did some arts and crafts today. There was colored paper. There was glue. There was lots of giggling. And there were pieces of paper in Sasha's hair. We had a blast!
And I sent yesterday's photo to the failblog (and I'm giddy with excitement). So go here , vote for it, and share this link!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61: education fail

I saw this bus by an elementary school. I'm so tempted to send this picture to the failblog!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60: a chair for bunny

Sasha and I built a chair for her bunny using her Mega Bloks today, which made for a happy bunny. Which made for a happy baby. Which made for a happy mama!